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For Blue Collar Entrepreneurs…


Join Me On My Mission To Help All Hardworking Blue-Collar Entrepreneurs Reach True Financial Freedom!

Before I get into how all blue-collar entrepreneurs can reach true 8 figure level financial freedom, let’s do something to make sure you know how much money you and your family will need to live the lifestyle that you’ve always dreamed of.

Let me show you a great thumb rule to use so you can know if $10 million will be enough money for you…


The 4% Thumb rule!


I know we are just getting to know each other here, but let’s get personal…


In the investment community there is a term called the 4% thumb rule.


The 4% thumb rule describes in detail, which I won’t get in to here because I am not giving you investment advice nor am I in any way, shape or form an investment expert.


…anyway the 4% rule is a retirement thumb rule that says that if you invest conservatively that by living off the interest only of your investments you can safely live off of an amount equal to 4% of the principle amount.


Giving you a $400,000 yearly budget!


Now, I believe that this is a pretty conservative estimate and you really should get in touch with your financial advisor for more a more accurate assessment and information.


But, let’s use this quick little thumb rule as a starting place, and when you get in touch with your financial investor you can get it much more accurate.


So, if you sell your business and clear $10 million after taxes and closing costs, and all the other costs of selling…then you can have a yearly budget of $400,000 without digging into the principle.


Theoretically this money will then last you forever!


With this thought process, you should begin to ask yourself two very important questions.


1. “Can I live off of $400, 000 per year or some multiple of that amount?”


$200,000 per year means a $5 million sale


$100,000 per year means a $2.5 million sale


2. “Is my business worth anywhere near that amount?”


The second question is probably the more important of the two and I consider it my mission to help you make it worth that amount in as little as 24 months from today.


Now I am not going to get into the bazillion ways to value what your business is worth, when it comes down to it, it’s worth what someone will pay you for it and none of the rules really accurately predict that amount.


But, let’s say for really rough numbers sake if your business clears $1 million per year in profit, then multiply that number times 3 to as much as 5 and you should get a lowball figure of $3 to $5 million. So, does this very lowball, generic calculation match your enough is enough number?  Is it even close?


If it doesn’t match don’t fret, it rarely does.


Many blue-collar entrepreneurs have a pretty high enough is enough number


But the good news is that you’ve come to the right place to find out how to get a perfect match between what your business is worth and your enough is enough number.


So how do you make your business worth many, many times more than it is now?


And just as important, how do you make it worth that much quickly?


Because no one wants to get there slowly and actually it’s easier to get there quickly because you will build momentum and your business will grow faster and faster no matter what level you start from.


Now the best way for me to illustrate how to do this is to use an example company, from an entrepreneur I was able to help along the way. His name is Gerald.


Gerald owns a pest control company, he’s an exterminator by trade and he basically goes into peoples’ houses and gets rid of their bugs and unwanted pests.


Gerald is a humble, but driven, blue-collar entrepreneur and I consider it my calling to guide him to his financial liberation.


Now Gerald used the 4% rule we just covered and spoke with his financial advisor to figure out his enough is enough number, which was $10 million and he wanted to do it in 3 to 5 years.


His children would be going off to college at that point and he wanted to be able to, of course, afford to send them to college, but he also wanted to have the freedom to be able to travel and visit them often if they decided to attend a university that was out of state.


He wanted to attend the football games and tailgate and be around his kids even after they went away to school.


Now I don’t think Gerald told his kids his plans because typically college age kids want to get away from their parents when they go away to college, not have their parents follow them around.


But this was still his plan, he wanted the freedom to be able to choose to do this if he wanted to and not be bound to his business, he wanted the choice, he wanted the freedom.


The answer to get Gerald to this level of freedom in his time frame is called Growth Stacking.


Growth Stacking is the process of simultaneously combining organic and exponential methods of company growth to achieve a 500% increase.


That’s right Growth Stacking does not simply grow your business by a factor of 2 or 3 but it can grow your company by a factor of 5 times your original size.


Now I know this sounds crazy and ludicrous or simply impossible but let me show you as an example how Gerald used Growth Stacking on his little pest control company to grow it into a massive empire for his family.


The first step in Growth Stacking is called Strategic Acquisition.


A strategic acquisition is buying another company and merging the two companies together to achieve a level of growth that neither company on it’s own could ever achieve.


By selectively seeking out the right kind of company for acquisition Gerald can squeeze every ounce of leverage and every bit of profit and growth out of the transaction.


So Gerald’s pest control company was grossing around $600k in annual revenue and around 10% profit.


A comfortable living for him and his wife and children but nowhere near large enough to reach his enough is enough number.


So Gerald sought out a strategic acquisition and this is what he looked for to take advantage of Growth Stacking.


He searched for a company that:


1. Had around the same gross revenue as his company, so he could afford to do this deal comfortably.


Actually the way this deal was structured Gerald walked away from the closing with many thousands of dollars in his pocket, but that’s a topic for another conversation.


2. Had the same type of clients but no overlap between his current clients and the acquisition company client


3. He made sure there was lots of duplication of company business processes.


And I’ll get into why he wanted that in a second.


Once he found a company that met these three goals he made the purchase.


Now this is how Growth Stacking works.


Gerald executed step one and made a…


Strategic Acquisition


At closing his $600k business became a $1.2 million company, not a bad day to be able to double the size of your company at the stroke of a pen.


But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Growth Stacking.


Step two of Growth Stacking is called the…


Cross Marketing Multiplier


Do you remember when I told you that Gerald bought a company that met his goals?


You might have noticed that none of his goals for his Strategic Acquisition of the right company had anything to do with the type of services they offered, just that they had identical client types.


Gerald actually bought an air conditioning company, an HVAC company, these are the guys that come to your house and repair your heating or air conditioning system.


Now Gerald certainly could have bought another pest control company, to most entrepreneurs this would be the most logical choice, stick with what you know.


But Gerald was thinking strategically and used Growth Stacking to maximize the amount of his growth.


 He knew that by acquiring another company and focusing on the client that the services weren’t a critical criteria for the purchase.


As a matter of a fact, had Gerald bought another pest control company he would not have been able to take advantage of the Cross Marketing Multiplier.


The Cross Marketing Multiplier works like this.


Gerald took his pest control services and offered those services to his newly acquired clients and in a very short time, since he already had a great relationship with his clients from the purchase of the new business, he quickly increased his revenue by another multiple.


Gerald marketed his pest control service to the air conditioning clients, using the marketing system we put into place in preparation for this acquisition and went from $1.2 million to $1.8 million.


If you would like to see exactly how to put a great marketing system into place, I have an eBook and a series of 5 free videos you can go here to watch.


But Gerald certainly didn’t stop there.


He then took his newly acquired air conditioning services and offered those services to his pest control clients.


And since he had a great relationship with those clients as well, techniques he gained from implementing the strategies in my eBook on skyrocketing your sales, Gerald’s company went from $1.8 million to $2.4 million. This is something impossible to do without a Strategic Acquisition.


There is no faster or easier way to double the size of your client list AND have that very critical already established bond, that well developed relationship with your clients, all with the stroke of a pen.


And it is because of this previously established relationship that the Cross Marketing Multiplier works.


But Gerald didn’t stop there either.


Remember that one of Gerald ‘s criteria for the company he was going to buy was that they had a duplication of business processes, meaning that both companies had a human resources department and accounting and sales and marketing departments and personnel and equipment.


Well, as a savvy entrepreneur, Gerald implemented step three of Growth Stacking called…


Efficiency Profits


Efficiency Profits increase growth by another multiple by eliminating all of the duplication between the two companies.


By eliminating duplicate expenses in personnel and offices and business equipment this works to increase profits.


Then on top of the elimination of expenses you add back in efficiency by keeping the best of the best parts of both businesses processes.


These two factors enabled Gerald to add another multiple of value to the company while at the same time increasing his profits by another 10%.


So let’s review the Growth Stacking process Gerald used.


Step one, Gerald did one Strategic Acquisition and on day one at the closing he doubled the size of his company from $600k to $1.2 million and walked out of the deal with no up front costs and with a few thousand dollars in his pocket.


Step two, Gerald implemented the Cross Marketing Multiplier and within a few months he had cross marketed the services of both companies, since he now had a list of clients that doubled in size at the closing.


Then he skyrocketed the sales in both businesses using the marketing system I go over in detail in my eBook and 5 free video series.


So he went from $1.2 million to $1.8 million by selling air conditioning services to pest control clients and then went from $1.8 million to $2.4 million by offering his pest control services to his air conditioning clients.


Then step three he implemented Efficiency Profits and eliminated duplicate expenses and increased the efficiency of both companies and went from $2.4 million to $3 million dollars. So with Growth Stacking his business size increased by 5 times and his profits went from 10% of $600k, so $60k to 20% of $3 million, that’s $600k.


That’s an increase in profits of 10 times!


And he did all of this in less than 12 months from closing.


That’s the power of a properly executed, well-engineered strategic acquisition.


And now since Gerald was more experienced in the Growth Stacking process he did this once more and this time shot the size of his business up to over $12 million only 24 months later.


Now I want to emphasize that I cannot promise or guarantee that you can do this, you need to make this decision and decide if this is right for you.


But, I would urge you to do a little homework and look at how large companies are making huge moves through acquisitions.


Look at what venture capitalists are doing, look at what the large players in your market are doing to achieve massive growth and market share.


I think you will find that strategic acquisitions play a large role and that it would be a great opportunity for you to exponentially grow your business.


So how would you be able to take a step right now to get yourself on this path to massive growth and then on to owning an 8 figure business within the next 2 years?


My mission is to be able to help all blue-collar entrepreneurs like Gerald and like you to achieve this type of growth to get to your lifestyle of liberation.


Well, the first thing that needs to happen is that just like Gerald did, you need to get your plan for exponential growth.


You need your sales to start a trend toward skyrocketing so that you can transfer that sales trend to any new strategic acquisition PLUS you need to have super sales for the next 12 months to really stoke the interest of any potential buyer.


The way you get your growth started and your sales skyrocketing is to have a one on one strategy session with someone that has been where you want to go and done what you want to do.


You’ll have a one on one strategy session with me so that we can get your plan to make your business worth $10 million in the next 24 months fully documented.

Now I don’t want to work with just anyone.


I only want the truly driven entrepreneur that is serious about getting their business to the 8-figure level in the next 24 months.


So in order to even be considered for this program you and I need to have a detailed strategy call.


We’ll talk for about 45 minutes and develop a strategy for you specifically pertaining to your business.


This will give you all of my big picture strategies about how to grow your business to the $10 million level in the next 24 months and you’ll walk away fully knowing what you need to do whether we work together or not.


This is not a sales call and in no way am I going to ask you for money, I just want to give you a plan to get you to a truly liberated lifestyle.


Now normally I want to weed out the lookie lous and tire kickers so I ask for a good faith payment of $997 to schedule the call and then I refund it immediately after the call is over.


So the call doesnt actually cost you a penny, but I want to make sure you’re serious about your business so I ask you to let me hold $997 of your dollars (actually a credit card charge) and then I give it right back to you when we hang up the phone from the call.


No risk to you, you get all your money backbut this will just let me know you are serious about getting your business to the 8-figure level.


So if you act today and want to get involved with me in the 8 figure exit formula program the next step is to schedule that call with me.

Schedule My Strategy Session Now


If not, then no big deal.


Enjoy everything here and in the free eBook and free video series.



Walter Bergeron


P.S. Oh yeah I almost forgot. When you watch the videos make sure you grab a pen and paper to follow along in the eBook and make notes on how you can apply these strategies to your business.



“Do today what others won’t, so you can live tomorrow like others can’t”















Walter Bergeron has applied the strategies I espouse providing direction, discipline and motivation to greatly improve the performance and value to many different kinds of businesses. His advice is worth mining for gems to help you take your business to the next level.
Walter Bergeron is an exceptional entrepreneur with an incredible work ethic that is massively curious and open-minded. With his desire and great passion to utilize his mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and financial energies, I see even greater potential in him to help others in their quest for entrepreneurial success.
Megan Huber
THANKS for spending a few minutes of your day with me and providing me with some insight into your personal experience as an entrepreneur. Being able to speak to someone like-minded makes all the difference in the world. I found your video on YouTube about your 90 day transformation - taking notes so I can model what you have done so well!
Jason Eckert
I just read some of your book in Amazon and I resonate completely with your journey. I'm now in my third month on Planet Dan and am starting new in the entrepreneurial world. I've listened to all the "guru's" and have read just about every book Dan has written. Now is my time to start taking massive action! I am determined to be in the 3% who actually take action and make things happen. Thanks for the inspiration today. I'd love to interview you in the near future for a newsletter I am working on in the electrical conduit industry.
Dustin MathewsSpeaking Empire
Whether or not you aspire to win any awards or grow your business to an amazing level, Walter Bergeron will get you to that level with the latest marketing and business growth and liberation strategies available on the planet. Get involved with Walter to take your business to an 8 figure level.